Welcome to Rehab Week Zurich
In the summer of 2011 three international conferences in the field of Rehabilitation Science and Engineering joined forces for a week of intensive cross-disciplinary knowledge transfer. The International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, ICORR2011, the International Neurorehabilitation Symposium, INRS2011, and the International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation, ICVR2011, hosted clinicians and engineers exchanging their experience in different research areas. This great event took place in Zurich, Switzerland, from June 27 until July 1, 2011. All organizers are members of the RITZ (Rehabilitation Initiative and Technology Platform Zurich).
Certificate of Attendance
Please click on this link and log in with your last name and your personal ID.
Under “MyConfirmation” you will be able to download your Certificate of Attendance.
Congress program booklet
We ask participants who would like to have a digital copy of the congress program booklet ( = content of Rehab Week Zurich USB stick) to contact rehabweek2011@mci-group.com for download details.
Rehab Week Zurich Impressions
see all pictures
ICORR 2011
INRS 2011
ICVR 2011
Flyer "rehab week zurich"
Event Program